Back to my magical place for a PNW adventure session! This location is about an hour’s drive from Seattle and always delivers. It’s a perfect place to capture our gorgeous Pacific Northwest home, the Cascade mountains, and the beautiful nature we love so much.
I was thrilled to photograph one of my favorite families in this setting. They have the best style, and are always relaxed and game to just play and explore. That’s the best way to get candids with your kids during a shoot – be willing to play and forget the camera! I’ll still throw in look-at-the-camera shots (for the holiday card) but connected candids have so much meaning and depth. I include lots of black and white copies too, as they have their own aesthetic and energy.
Cascade mountain sessions are offered in July and August, when the snow has melted and the cold Fall temps haven’t hit yet. They’re open to immediate family only (the slope isn’t conducive to large groups), and your group must be able to do a short 5 minute walk up the hill.
There are still two remaining appointments for Summer 2023! Book via the online scheduler and email Erin with any questions.